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An Island made of Plastic bottles

Man builds island out of plastic bottles

Richart Sowa lives on top of what most people just toss away. He collected more than 125,000 plastic bottles that he found in the trash and put them into recycled fruit sacks beneath wood palettes to make his own island right in the Lagoon in Mexico. He now lives on the island or as he describes it “The Coolest Thing I’ve Ever Made”.

- toss away: throw away
- trash: rubbish
- beneath: under

[subtitles available]

1. What’s the island made from?

2. What was Richard’s job? For how long?

3. How long did it take the cake to cook?

4. How many bottles does the plastic island have underneath it?

5. How does he get the water?

3 comentarios:

  1. Wow..!! What a wonderful use of plastic bottles to making a island. Today's time there is widely used of plastic bottles to store liquid or other products and here really very effective use i ever seen of Plastic Bottles

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Patricia Guerra Robles. Con la tecnología de Blogger.