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Phrasal verbs with "Off"

Os dejo con un video útil de phrasal verbs con "off". No os olvidéis de que podéis activar los subtítulos en el video.

El significado general de "off" tras un verbo es "separar" algo. Podemos ver este significado general en verbos como:
  • Tear off: rasgar
  • Rip off: cortar, rasgar.  I ripped off the paper/I ripped the paper off
  • Take off: quitar. Why don't you take off your shoes/ Why don't you take your shoes off?
  • Kick off: lanzar (con una patada). I kicked off my shoes when I got home/ I kicked my shoes off...
  • Throw off: lanzar (con la mano).  He threw his hat off
  • Walk off: irse.
  • Run off: irse corriendo.
  • Drive off: irse en coche.
Sin embargo, en algunos casos, la preposición "off" no tiene el significado general y no no implica separación:
  • Pay off: sobornar. He paid the policemen off/ He paid off the police
  • Go off:  saltar (una alarma, notificación, etc.), explotar. My phone went off
  • Put off: aplazar. They put off the wedding because they had no money.
  • Call off:  cancelar. The singer called off his concert because he had no voice.
  • show off: alardear. He's showing off (his car) /He's showing (his car) off

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Patricia Guerra Robles. Con la tecnología de Blogger.