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Writing an opinion essay step by step

Try to present the topic in two or three sentences. Start your essay with an opening that will catch your reader’s attention and make her/him want to read it . Here are some ideas:
Intenta presentar el tema en dos o tres frases que capten la atención del lector. Aquí tienes algunos ejemplos:

a) Write a sentence giving just the opposite opinion to yours. Then, use a contrast connector to present your   own general opinion. Don’t give any arguments to support your opinion, just state it. (topic :  Life in Big Cities  ) Escribe una frase dando una opinión contraria a la tuya. Después utiliza un conector de contraste para presentar tu opinión general (sin argumentar).

Much of the world’s population lives in big cities. Therefore, it seems that cities must be a wonderful place to live in (opposite opinion to yours). However, in my opinion this is not true.

b) Begin with one or two questions: (topic: A mobile phone is a necessity. Do you agree?) Comienza con una o dos preguntas.

Have you ever been stuck in the middle of nowhere without a public telephone near you?

Who doesn’t have a mobile phone these days?

c) Begin with two or three short sentences using an unidentified pronoun to catch the reader’s curiosity. Comienza con dos o tres frases cortas impersonales para captar la atención del lector.

You often spend a lot of money on it, but sometimes it saves you time and worry. Some people may even be addicted to it. What do I refer to? The mobile phone, of course.

d) Combining both strategies. (topic: Why do students experience behavioural problems at school?) Combina ambas estrategias.

We listen to it on the news every day. We experience it very often in our schools. Violence is one of the most serious problems that our educational system is suffering nowadays. Why do students behave like that? What are the main reasons?

If you don’t know how to begin, don’t worry. Go on to the body of the composition. You can always come back to the introduction later. (These introduction tips can also be used in a “for and against” essay.) Si no sabes cómo comenzar no te preocupes. Pasa al núcleo de la redacción, ya que siempre podrás volver más tarde a la introducción.


Each argument that supports your opinion will become a separate paragraph. Write two or three paragraphs. Cada argumento que utilices para apoyar tu opinión irá en un párrafo separado.

  (2nd paragraph: Argument 1)

First of all | Firstly, it is clear to me that…    | It is obvious that …  |   personally, I strongly believe that…  | As I see it... | From my point of view, ... | In my opinion, however... | I disagree... | In my view, ... | I believe that... | Many people think that... |  It is clear that...

(Use different opinion expressions throughout the essay to introduce your arguments. Try not to repeat them)

(3rd paragraph: Argument 2)  

Secondly, ...  | Moreover, ... | In addition, ... | What's more, ...

(4th paragraph:  Argument 3)                                                                                                                    

Lastly, …  | Finally, …

Use cause connectors after some of your arguments to express the reason / cause of the problem.

Because... | since + sentence

because of... | due to + noun /-ing verb

Use result connectors after some of the arguments to express the consequence of your idea.

As a result, ... | As a consequence, ...  |  Consequently, ...Therefore, ...

Remember: One argument with reasons , causes and results  per paragraph   (if possible)


It consists of two or three sentences that restate your opinion with different words. Try to leave the reader with a strong opinion. You may also suggest a solution to the problem or a strong criticism.

In conclusion,…  | To conclude, …  | In short,…  | All in all ,…  | To sum up,…

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Patricia Guerra Robles. Con la tecnología de Blogger.